Pors Grenland VS ODD Ballklubb

| NM Cupen

Pors Grenland
0 Vs 1
ODD Ballklubb

Wed, 24th Apr, 2024


Prediction: -1.5


Head To Head

Oops No Data!
Last Matches (Pors Grenland)
24/04/2024 Pors Grenland 0:1 ODD Ballklubb
20/04/2024 Madla 2:6 Pors Grenland
15/04/2024 Pors Grenland 2:0 Odd II
10/04/2024 Hei 0:1 Pors Grenland
06/04/2024 Pors Grenland 2:1 Vidar
23/03/2024 Notodden 1:1 Pors Grenland
17/02/2024 Pors Grenland 0:1 Eik-Tønsberg
Last Matches (ODD Ballklubb)
24/04/2024 Pors Grenland 0:1 ODD Ballklubb
21/04/2024 Brann 2:0 ODD Ballklubb
17/04/2024 Molde 1:2 ODD Ballklubb
14/04/2024 ODD Ballklubb 2:2 Sandefjord
10/04/2024 Åskollen 1:3 ODD Ballklubb
07/04/2024 Sarpsborg 08 FF 0:1 ODD Ballklubb
31/03/2024 ODD Ballklubb 1:2 Haugesund



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Leeague Table

All predictions and picks are only informative. No guarantee of course. Also matches can change during day as odds are changing!